Investing in Renewable Energy
Climate change is one of the most consequential threats we face as a society and we must take bold steps to confront it. Investment in renewable energy will reverse dependence on fossil fuels, lead cleaner and more sustainable energy generation, and create jobs of the future here in Maryland.
Legislative Wins
Passed the Clean Energy Jobs Act to put Maryland on a path to increasing renewable electricity to 50% by 2030 and identifying a path to 100% by 2040
Established the first-in-the-nation ban on expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) ban for food service to address one of the most common and hazardous forms of single-use plastic
Created a Resilient Maryland Revolving Loan Fund to to leverage Federal programs and turn a $25 million investment from the State into $1 billion in funding for communities across the State
Provided funding and coordination to plant 5 million trees in Maryland, including 500,000 in urban areas, beginning in 2023
Approved legislation to transition the State’s transit bus fleet to zero-emission vehicles
News in Renewable Energy
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