Prioritizing Public Transportation

Reliable and efficient public transit is one of the best mechanisms we have to address poverty and create access to opportunity. A system of public transportation that serves all Marylanders is vital to getting to work, attending school, and raising families.

Legislative Wins

Passed a fiscal year 2022 budget that includes $5 billion in transportation funding: including over $770 million in major public transit capital and transit system preservation projects.

Prioritized a cleaner environment by requiring the State to purchase zero-emission buses for its transit bus fleet starting in fiscal 2023.

Extended the Maryland Metro/Transit Funding Act to provide enhanced funding support for the State’s transit systems through 2029.

Expanded transit opportunities statewide by encouraging new and accessible rail transit options for Western Maryland and rapid transit in Southern Maryland.

News in Transportation

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The 2025 Session Begins, Senate Committee Transitions, and Hundreds of Bills Introduced